DSCF0519I walked amongst the Giant Sequoias in California, drinking in their majesty.  Counted amongst the oldest living objects on earth with a  lifespan of thousands of years, they have nothing less than an awe-inspiring presence.  Not only tall, they are also wide in girth, making their volume the largest of all living organisms on earth.  The things they must have seen and experienced during their multi-Millennial lifespan staggers the imagination. Some were alive B.C.E., nearly a millennia before the carpenter/controversial rabbi from the Galilee walked on the earth.

Giant Sequoias

A crisp calmness in the  early morning air had me noticing tiny chipmunks below and clear sky above.  Snow remained on the nearby mountains but the path through the grove was clear.  In quiet meditation, while leaning against the furry base of a particular gentle giant and looking up at the vast sea of blueness through its outstretched branches, it occurred to me that even the millennial passage of time is still but a blink when compared with the Eternal.

Our moments are special.  Our lives are unique. Each moment in YOUR life is special.  With careful determination, we build our lives and hopefully leave a legacy behind which shows that our time spent had value and impact on our world. Everything is energy –  from the stars burning brightly, to you shining internally.  The effort and intention in YOUR life matters.

Giant Sequoias

have been around long enough to show us that our days of impact are short.  Seize the opportunities life affords you.   As a unique human being, autonomous and true, we only once pass this way. You can easily find new avenues of expression as they are all around us in this abundant universe.  The ease at which our lives can be fulfilled is astounding.  It doesn’t matter where we are at this moment, abundance fills our being.  We merely  have to be open to receive it.