time-94990Our reality is determined by the intersection of our thoughts and actions, reinforced by our words.  We are thought beings passing each other in a matrix of energy.  Whether it is the sandwich we choose for lunch, the cars we select to drive, the places we decide to live, the friend we opt to become, the music we compose or play; all of these outcomes begin first, as thought.  As we think and speak higher, grander, more expansively; as we creatively pick up our tools to build or find the things of which we’ve thought: we watch our world change around us.  If we tap into the Stream of Energy Eternally Flowing throughout the universe – if we gratefully tap into the flow of the Eternal Oneness, joining in on that frequency of Creation, we cannot help but grow and succeed.  All of our searching in life has led us here – to this intersection.   Come think, dream, build and expand your world with us – here at The Interspaces.