1Sow, and gather.  Plant, fertilize, water, harvest.  Stay with me here.  Pick the specific seed, till the ground and add nutrients to the soil.  Put the seed in the ground in accordance with the depth the seeds need to be placed.  Cover the seeds over with the earth and water. Continue to water.  As the sun rises and sets, water some more.  After a certain amount of days, the plants begin to sprout, the leaves are seen above ground.

Bees and Hummingbirds may even pass by to pollinate.  Continue to water.  After a certain amount of time, unwanted weeds might have to be pulled so as not to choke out the intended crop.  Water some more.  After the fullness of time, harvest the crop.  Save some seed, rotate the crop and plant again. Doubtless farmers would have much to build on this description as they add their specific expertise to this field.

So it is with our lives.  A thought seed planted in the fertile soil of our mind fertilized and watered with the belief that it can be accomplished; yields an outcome crop every time.  As you look around you, your environment reflects what you have thought about up until this time.  Change your thoughts and you change your world.