After casting off and heading toward the ripples in the water which indicate where the breeze is, there’s a moment when the sails catch the wind and fill up. There’s a pause, which in its space can seem like an eternity, Then a quiet acceleration as the vessel moves underway, making its hole in the water, floating through the prescribed channel envisioned by its Captain. He trims his sails for efficient running. The destination already plotted, the Captain steers the boat in accordance with his plan. With precision in the sailing, there may be minor course corrections along the way. Imprecision or unforeseen outside forces are cause for major course corrections in order to arrive at the intended destination. With precision the course is clear. The latter makes for anxious times.

So it is with our lives. An uncharted course often leaves us in disarray, wandering in circles. Our life’s direction is scattered and without focus. Often our times are troubled.  There are moments of insecurity and confusion. It’s like sailing at night without a lighthouse, ultimately dashed on the rocks. The clear course shows us what we need to do in order to get from point A to point Z. With a plan and direction, we rise to the top more rapidly. With a plan, it often becomes clear exactly what we need to do in the next step. Life becomes more like smooth sailing. What is your plan? How can we help?