I was Losing Myself to My Business. One Day it Stopped – Here’s How:

I wasI was Losing Myself to My Business. Here's How it stopped_ staring out of the window at the rain coming down in sheets, forming small rivers and pools on the asphalt as the plane I was soon to board was serviced. The arriving passengers had already deplaned about a 1/2 hour ago. I was at the airport again, in a city nearly devoid of character, in a state I’d passed through countless times now. I was grateful for my business affording me the opportunity to apply my skill set to the problem at hand for the company that hired me to do the job, but the time away from family and friends was eating away at me.

I had missed birthdays, family gatherings, holidays, even anniversaries – all due to previous commitments to clients all over the country. One week I was in Florida, the next week in California, still another Colorado, or Arizona, or Minnesota, or Texas, Oklahoma… I started this business to be the master of my own time but it seemed that the business was becoming the master of me. I didn’t mind the hours of extra paperwork, or meeting new clients, I enjoyed that part. It wasn’t the negotiation of price for the job, or travel expenses, or ticketing that had me blue, it was the deafening absence of my loved ones around me, sometimes a month at a time. If your job takes you away to far away places and you no longer feel the semblance of order that you once felt, you know what I was going through.

I was Losing Myself to My Business.  One day it stopped, Here’s How:

So one day while I was searching online, I came across a small advertisement that told me of a better way to organize my time and explore my expertise. I was introduced to two mentors who would transform the very nature of how I looked at things. I was re-introduced to a book I read seven years earlier that compelled me forward then. It captures the very essence of the enjoyable life I was searching for, and one of these two mentors suggested reading it – so I read it again and was so inspired that I edited a new edition for you that can be found here. My mentors told me that today’s digital lifestyle is a laptop lifestyle, a coffee shop lifestyle where you can literally run your business from around the world so long as you have a computer and an Internet connection.  Today, I am in the office, but just a while ago I was at the beach.

Giant Sequoias of Abundance

DSCF0519I walked amongst the Giant Sequoias in California, drinking in their majesty.  Counted amongst the oldest living objects on earth with a  lifespan of thousands of years, they have nothing less than an awe-inspiring presence.  Not only tall, they are also wide in girth, making their volume the largest of all living organisms on earth.  The things they must have seen and experienced during their multi-Millennial lifespan staggers the imagination. Some were alive B.C.E., nearly a millennia before the carpenter/controversial rabbi from the Galilee walked on the earth.

Giant Sequoias

A crisp calmness in the  early morning air had me noticing tiny chipmunks below and clear sky above.  Snow remained on the nearby mountains but the path through the grove was clear.  In quiet meditation, while leaning against the furry base of a particular gentle giant and looking up at the vast sea of blueness through its outstretched branches, it occurred to me that even the millennial passage of time is still but a blink when compared with the Eternal.

Our moments are special.  Our lives are unique. Each moment in YOUR life is special.  With careful determination, we build our lives and hopefully leave a legacy behind which shows that our time spent had value and impact on our world. Everything is energy –  from the stars burning brightly, to you shining internally.  The effort and intention in YOUR life matters.

Giant Sequoias

have been around long enough to show us that our days of impact are short.  Seize the opportunities life affords you.   As a unique human being, autonomous and true, we only once pass this way. You can easily find new avenues of expression as they are all around us in this abundant universe.  The ease at which our lives can be fulfilled is astounding.  It doesn’t matter where we are at this moment, abundance fills our being.  We merely  have to be open to receive it.

Time As An Asset

hourglass-147811The common phrase,  “time is money”  is used quite often and is the mantra from a bygone era.  In today’s digital economy it couldn’t be further from the truth.  This kind of thinking is what has modern day people walking a daily routine fulfilling someone else’s dream with the hope of eeking out a living while their own dreams fall in the wind.
What was once a raging fire of desire has dwindled to a candle flickering to hold on amongst the changing winds of this daily routine.

I’m reminded of this quote from Steve Jobs:

“Your time is limited, so don’t waste it living someone else’s life. Don’t be trapped by dogma – which is living with the results of other people’s thinking. Don’t let the noise of others’ opinions drown out your own inner voice. And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition.”

So what can one do to Re-ignite the bonfire?

Get focused on what that dream is, what that desire is. Keep thinking about it and how it will make you feel when it happens, how it will improve your and your family’s lives.  Don’t concern yourself with how it will happen or what you’ll have to do to make it happen; just be ready.  Ready to act when that opportunity comes.  When one is focused on their desire intently and constantly, it will manifest itself and often times in a way you did not expect. The new mantra for our era is: “Time is time and money is money.”bitcoin-503581_1920I find these words by Benjamin Franklin sum this up well: “To succeed, jump as quickly at opportunities as you do at conclusions.”

Smooth Sailing

After casting off and heading toward the ripples in the water which indicate where the breeze is, there’s a moment when the sails catch the wind and fill up. There’s a pause, which in its space can seem like an eternity, Then a quiet acceleration as the vessel moves underway, making its hole in the water, floating through the prescribed channel envisioned by its Captain. He trims his sails for efficient running. The destination already plotted, the Captain steers the boat in accordance with his plan. With precision in the sailing, there may be minor course corrections along the way. Imprecision or unforeseen outside forces are cause for major course corrections in order to arrive at the intended destination. With precision the course is clear. The latter makes for anxious times.

So it is with our lives. An uncharted course often leaves us in disarray, wandering in circles. Our life’s direction is scattered and without focus. Often our times are troubled.  There are moments of insecurity and confusion. It’s like sailing at night without a lighthouse, ultimately dashed on the rocks. The clear course shows us what we need to do in order to get from point A to point Z. With a plan and direction, we rise to the top more rapidly. With a plan, it often becomes clear exactly what we need to do in the next step. Life becomes more like smooth sailing. What is your plan? How can we help?

Lessons From The Ranch

1Sow, and gather.  Plant, fertilize, water, harvest.  Stay with me here.  Pick the specific seed, till the ground and add nutrients to the soil.  Put the seed in the ground in accordance with the depth the seeds need to be placed.  Cover the seeds over with the earth and water. Continue to water.  As the sun rises and sets, water some more.  After a certain amount of days, the plants begin to sprout, the leaves are seen above ground.

Bees and Hummingbirds may even pass by to pollinate.  Continue to water.  After a certain amount of time, unwanted weeds might have to be pulled so as not to choke out the intended crop.  Water some more.  After the fullness of time, harvest the crop.  Save some seed, rotate the crop and plant again. Doubtless farmers would have much to build on this description as they add their specific expertise to this field.

So it is with our lives.  A thought seed planted in the fertile soil of our mind fertilized and watered with the belief that it can be accomplished; yields an outcome crop every time.  As you look around you, your environment reflects what you have thought about up until this time.  Change your thoughts and you change your world.

Your Life Should Be Memorable

interspaces1Do you jump out of bed in the morning? Is Monday as joyous as Saturday? Do you love what you do? Does life sing around you? Are you at peace? Is your world filled with love? Is it prosperous? These are simply a few of the many questions we have throughout our lives as we take stock of where we are and look toward where we are heading. If you could answer yes to all of those questions above, it is likely that you are living a fulfilled life, full of vibrancy and stimulation. Congratulations! Yours is the type of life worth aspiring to.

However, if you are like the majority of people in this world, sadly, the answers do not have such a positive affirmation. If this is the case with you, do not despair, that’s what led you here in the first place. Together we’ll find a way to make YOUR life sing too! Every change in our world begins by creating a shift within us. A new way of looking at things. A new approach. Your life deserves to be memorable! If this sounds like something you want, need or desire, start here and let’s walk this new path together!

Thought, Word & Deed

time-94990Our reality is determined by the intersection of our thoughts and actions, reinforced by our words.  We are thought beings passing each other in a matrix of energy.  Whether it is the sandwich we choose for lunch, the cars we select to drive, the places we decide to live, the friend we opt to become, the music we compose or play; all of these outcomes begin first, as thought.  As we think and speak higher, grander, more expansively; as we creatively pick up our tools to build or find the things of which we’ve thought: we watch our world change around us.  If we tap into the Stream of Energy Eternally Flowing throughout the universe – if we gratefully tap into the flow of the Eternal Oneness, joining in on that frequency of Creation, we cannot help but grow and succeed.  All of our searching in life has led us here – to this intersection.   Come think, dream, build and expand your world with us – here at The Interspaces.